Plymouth Crossroads is a not-for-profit organization which welcomes disconnected, abused and homeless youth males ages 16-20. We provide caring staff that help youth develop their own plan for an independent path to their future. Our transitional program offers support for education, job training & placement and life skills support at no cost to youth.
The mission of Plymouth Crossroads is to provide supports to empower abused, runaway and homeless youth, ages 16-20. We work in conjunction with our youth to develop independent, healthy paths to their future by offering them the tools they need to be self-supportive and avoid long-term dependency on social services. As a voluntary program, services are aimed at preventing recidivism, while promoting a more stable and productive lifestyle, with the goal for every youth to transform themselves into a contributing and productive member of society.

"Plymouth to me means, a safe and welcoming second home where I can learn new things about life, and hang out with people who really care about me."
Jahton, age 20
Basic life skill building, including; housekeeping, food preparation, financial education, problem solving, skills in leadership, hygiene and coping mechanisms.
Educational opportunities to allow them to finish High School, GED preparation, vocational education and or post-secondary education.
Assistance in job preparation and attainment, including; career counseling; workforce development skills; computer skills; life skills and health skills.
Individual and group counseling.
Interpersonal skill building is provided to enhance our youth’s ability to foster positive relationships with peers and adults, better decision making as well as coping and stress management skills.
Volunteer or community service opportunities.
Plymouth in the News
For more information or to schedule an intake interview:
Contact our Program Coordinator, Donell Gibson
by email (dgibson@plymouthcrossroads.org),
by phone at (716) 393-3906 Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm,
or leave a message with a staff member any time, 24/7